Thursday, July 9, 2009

Because We Rock...

This is the new blog that my sister Angel and I have created. First of all I'm Piper and I'm the oldest. That means I rock more.( So you say, so you say) I'm totally the punk of the duo. (Yeah yeah I am totally the sweet girl next door type) If Angel ever needs help (or a swift kick in the butt) I'm her girl. We keep each other grounded for the most part. We so totally should have been born blond for some of the crazy stuff we do and get into. Yet I would be the red-head and she would be the brunette that has currently gone over to the dark side. Literally. Yeah, her faux pas of the week was to buy a hair dye that was supposed to lighten her hair. APRIL FOOLS ANGEL!!! Before you ask, NO I didn't have anything to do with that one, though I have done other things to other people. Not naming names. Anyhoo, her hair didn't turn out that bad. Black isn't really her color. She can be too sugary sweet but she can pull it off. Guess what, little sis, now we can both punk rock the scene.

I am not sure I belong in the punk scene, but according to her it looks good. Although I am still slightly nervous because well we stopped to get gas and as soon as I got out of the car and into the light she stared at me for like ten whole min with this blank "oh my god oh my god oh my god" look on her face. If that doesn't scream somethings wrong what does I ask you?? Plus the fact her hysterical giggles could be heard AFTER she went into the gas station worries me more. I am glad that I finally got her blogging even if it means that she's totally going to look over my shoulder at everything I type. (Yes she's totally doing it now)

Hopefully we will have a bunch of hi jinks for ya'll to laugh about soon.

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